Here are five keys to success that will enable me to achieve my mission in 2021 and beyond.
Help You Focus on the Important Things
Overview: Focusing on what’s important is one of the keys to reducing stress, increasing happiness, and ensuring healthy relationships. This type of focus can be challenging when your world is moving too fast. When our world moves fast, we go on auto pilot and agree to do anything asked of us. Doing this, leads to having a to-do list as long as your arm. This, leads to additional stress and frustration which in turn reduces our ability to think quickly to prevent more things from being added to our list.
How I help: To help you focus on what’s important in life, I developed the WACASHWI method and WCSW system. Also, I am sharing (via books, speaking engagements, podcasts, videos, blog posts and event wrapping) the tools, tips and techniques I use to stay focused. In addition, I am developing new software, creating tools, and promoting various software packages, tools and people (coaches, mentors, counselors, etc.) that help you focus on what’s important.

Equip You to Overcome Fear

Overview: Fear can be a debilitating condition. The main recommended ways to overcome fear are to choose faith or have courage. Sometimes, it’s not that easy. Whether it is past experiences (nurture) or how you are wired (nature), sometimes there are unseen forces stopping you from overcoming your fear through faith or courage alone.
How I help: To equip you to overcome your fears, I am sharing (via books, speaking engagements, podcasts, videos and blog posts) the stories of my fears, what they cost me and how I overcame them. I am guiding you through your journey in a way that empowers you to better deal with fear as you work through the process of eliminating it. I am also looking for and promoting others who have experienced fear and have successful ways of dealing with it.
Guide You on Your Journey to Authentic Empathy
Overview: When we experience authentic empathy for someone, we are taking empathy to the next level and experiencing a deep emotion. We feel their pain, we feel sympathy towards them and can feel pity for them without feeling contempt towards them. When we express authentic empathy for a person, that person can feel that we empathize with them. They understand that, at most the empathy comes with understanding and sympathy and that contempt is not part of the equation.
How I help: To guide you to experience authentic empathy, I am sharing (via books, speaking engagements, podcasts, videos and blog posts) the stories of my life that taught me how to have and receive authentic empathy along with the tools, tips and techniques I developed along the way. I am also looking for and promoting others who have experienced the positive impact of authentic empathy in their life.

Facilitate Knowledge Sharing

Overview: Technology is making it simpler than ever to share knowledge. Creative websites, interesting content (videos, podcasts, blogs, books, courses, etc), engaging social media posts, and automation are key components to the effective sharing of knowledge.
How I help: To facilitate knowledge sharing, I am working with people who have knowledge and ideas to share to bring their knowledge and ideas to a wider audience. To do this, I am utilizing my deep experience in, creating attractive websites, producing interesting content along with streamlining and automating processes. Specifically, I am creating websites for speakers, coaches, mentors, psychologists and other thought leaders, creating software and other tools to make content creation easier and the resulting content more impactful along with consulting on the creation of websites, content, videos, podcasts, and process automation.
Empower You to Understand, Empathize and Unite
Overview: Unity can be defined as a oneness of feeling among a number of people. In this case, the feeling we are focusing on is one of being part of the human race. When we internalize and accept the fact that we are all flawed human beings, we are more apt to understand others and experience authentic empathy for them and vice-versa, even when we disagree with them. It’s where sayings such as, “let’s agree to disagree”, “if I were you, I’d do the same thing”, “I see what you mean” and many others come from.
How I help: To promote unity, I am interacting with people who have different opinions, listening to them and sharing experiences along with developing techniques for creating lasting understanding and authentic empathy in all relationships. I am sharing (via speaking engagements, podcasts, videos and blog posts) a message of unity and hope for the future. Finally, delivering on the remaining pillars of my mission (facilitate knowledge sharing, equipping people to overcome fear, and helping people to focus on the important things) are keys to driving the understanding and authentic empathy necessary for unity.